Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Welcome to my class

For those of you who may not know me, let me introduce myself.

This is my fifth year at Provo High. I teach Arabic and American Sign Language. I am also a professional interpreter between ASL and English for three and a half years. I love learning and speaking languages. Besides Arabic and ASL, I can speak Mandarin and have dabbled with several other languages such as Japanese, Spanish, and Hebrew. I have a masters degree in International Law and World Order from the University of Reading in Britain and thoroughly enjoy learning new things about people and places. I am excited to get started on this adventure with you.

My favorite cartoon character is Jane from the Disney movie Tarzan because she loves learning new things, adventures, and teaching a new language (to Tarzan). When you get to class, take a look around to see if you can find my monkeys. (Remember, they are the ones who stole my boots in the movie.)


Zeadman said...

Hi its me aaron and i have to say that it is realy hard this class.....

one thing that i am starting to get now is how the alphabet works together... its quite interesting...

but somthing that is bothering me is that it is realy hard to read arabic on the internet if i dont know what the words mean. i get the alphabet but not the spocken word "yet"!!!

Kanani said...

You're right Aaron it is hard, but hopefully that means it'll get easier, right?
So far I have to say I'm not loving it but I am liking it. To bad I can't remember the spoken part yet.
See you guys in class!

That's Our Jorge said...

Yes it is hard to read arabic on the internet, especially if you don't know how the alphabet works, but I am studying the book, so hopefully that will help a lot. The sounds are very interesting, and my Sister in-law (who is an arabic translator) taught me some words, so that was fun.

oashetopnawovnaowvn said...

I don't know about you guys, but I still don't have a clue about the alphabet. I know how it works, but I still can't associate the letters with thier names.

Provo High said...

You are all doing great. As we spiral through the material, you will see the information getting easier and easier. Study the sounds in the book on page 7. Listen to the words as you hear them, then let them go. The words you are responsible for are the ones I have given you on your flash cards or specifically prepared you for. Good luck and keep sending me your feedback. It helps me know where you are.

Kalanster said...

hi your arabic class is really fun but hard. yo this is kalan o.

Rachel said...

I think that learning Arabic is exciting! The letters are interesting to look at. But I would like to learn how to understand spoken Arabic and speak Arabic better.

Unknown said...

Yeah, so this Arabic class is an interesting one. Most of the stuff goes way over my head, but yeah.

Ryan said...

Hey, I'm happy because I think i'm finally getting the hang of this. Well maybe a little.

Jared said...

Im not very good at arabic yet, but i'll probably get the hang of it soon.

Kronos11 said...

Well Miss Bastian, I finally commented on this blog. I still have a lot of hard work ahead for me, so I better work extra hard.



Zeadman said...

Hey guys.
My favorite part about arabic is reading! I think it's awesome when you are making nonsense sounds and all of a sudden you have a word! It's amazing!

The Man said...

I really want to go to Musar. That would be really cool. Also i think this class is kind of hard but also a little fun. Oh, and Adam keeps being mean to me beacause im getting a lot of stuff right.
Kalan Olivas

Julia Hamilton said...

Egypt, Jordan, Palestine (specifically Jerusalem)... They would all be awesome to see!
Arabic is hard, but it is so worth it. The language and the culture are amazing!
And 'Miss Bastian', I couldn't think of your last name for the life on me...
There is such thing as Arabic Sign Language, right? Ever thought of learning some??

Provo High said...

I did run into a deaf Arab once. I learned one or two signs. ...let's see if I can remember.

hannah said...

Hey guys.
I thought our booth at the carnival was a lot of fun. It was pretty funny to watch peoples reactions when you wrote their names in Arabic. I love this language! (what I understand of it at least)

Julia Hamilton said...

That booth sounds awesome! I have written a couple of my friend's names out, and they have been impressed lol...

Arabic sign! That is awesome!

Where do you run into Arabs? I want to run into Arabic people... the only one I have seen since I got home is my current teacher

Kalanster said...

I am still having a problem with the alphabet. I still have to get all the sounds down. Then it will get a WHOLE lot easier.
But it is really fun in your class. But kinda hard.


Julia Hamilton said...

Arabic Students: The Arabic students at Provo High are speaking Arabic to students in Palestine through a program called Relief International. We're building bridges with the Middle East. Marhaba!!

That is so cool! I mean we did something like that with kids in Senegal in French class a few years back, but in Arabic would be awesome. You guys are so lucky to have such a cool teacher!

Anonymous said...

as I am an IGCSE First Language Arabic instructor, I am very intersted in IB Arabic.
I need all possible details about the syllabus , content, exams , past papers samples and any related websites
Best regards

Anonymous said...

as I am an IGCSE First Language Arabic instructor, I am very intersted in IB Arabic.
I need all possible details about the syllabus , content, exams , past papers samples and any related websites

Best regards